




Bimectin® 10, es un desparasitante útil para el tratamiento y control de una amplia gama de parásitos externos e internos de bovinos, porcions, camelidos y ovinos.


Bovinos y Camelidos: Para el tratamiento y control de nematodos gastrointestinales, gusanos redondos, gusanos del ojo, acaros y piojos.
Ovinos: Para el tratamiiento y control de ácaros psoropticos, nematodos gastrointestinales, gusanos de pulmon y nasales de ovinos.
Porcinos: Para el tratamiento y control de nematodos gastrointestinales, gusanos de pulmón piojos y ácaros de saran.

Disease Information

  • How The Bimectin Range Can Help


    The Bimectin Horse Wormer (Ivermectin 1.87mg/g) is licensed to treat this condition in horses1. To find out more about the Bimectin Horse Wormer, click the image above.

    1. Not licenced for hypobiotic larvae

    How The Bimectin Range Can Help


    The Bimectin Horse Wormer (Ivermectin 1.87mg/g) is licensed to treat this condition in horses1. To find out more about the Bimectin Horse Wormer, click the image above.

    1. Not licenced for hypobiotic larvae

    How The Bimectin Range Can Help


    The Bimectin Horse Wormer (Ivermectin 1.87mg/g) is licensed to treat this condition in horses. To find out more about the Bimectin Horse Wormer, click the image above.

    How The Bimectin Range Can Help


    The Bimectin Horse Wormer (Ivermectin 1.87mg/g) is licensed to treat this condition in horses. To find out more about the Bimectin Horse Wormer, click the image above.