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Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Horse Owner, Colorado on Bimectin Paste

Horse Owner, Colorado
Bimectin Paste

It is actually a gel. I like the gels because it is easier to administer and the horses don't mind the gel as much as they mind the pastes.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Another Horse Owner | On Bimectin Paste

Horse Owner
Bimectin Paste

My 5 horses all love the apple flavor, so all I do is squirt it on their feed and they eat it right up. No mess, no waste, no fighting with a horse swinging a head around 6 feet above you and spitting everywhere! A good price is also a great bonus.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Tabitha, Horse Owner, on Bimectin Paste

Tabitha, Horse Owner
Bimectin Paste

The apple flavored Bimectin is tolerated by our horses better than the regular ivermectin. When you are worming over 20 horses, that's a big plus!

Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Andria, Horse Owner on Bimetcin Paste

Andria, Horse Owner
Bimetcin Paste

Five stars. This product not only has a great price but my horses and mule love the taste. My young mare was hard to deworm when I got her. The apple flavor of Bimectin has her wanting to grab the tube before I get it to her mouth.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Nave, Horse Owner, on Bimectin Paste

Nave, Horse Owner
Bimectin Paste

My horse hates wormers. I've owned this horse ten years (for trail riding) and have always wormed evry two months on a rotational schedule. This is one of the easiest wormers to administer due to the apple flavor. Wish all wormers were like this.  Yes, I recommend this product.

Horse Owner from Tennessee
Bimectin Paste

Best & Easiest wormer I have found! My horses don't mind it and it doesn't give them diarrhea. Great apple Flavor, and it is more of a gel than a paste.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Horse Owner from Kansas on Bimectin Paste

Horse Owner from Kansas
Bimectin Paste

I wormed 20 horses in about 30 minutes. Was easy to use and dissolved quickly, so no mess and nobody spit it out…I recommend this product.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:00

Horse Owner on Bimectin Paste

Horse Owner
Bimectin Paste

This Bimectin Paste wormer is very easy to give to my horses. It's a gel-like consistency, unlike the old thick pastes that seem so hard for the horses to get down. It smells good, like a sour-apple Jolly Rancher and the horses don't seem so upset by it. I'm also signed up to automatically receive it in the mail 4 times a year which makes it really easy to remember when to give it to them! A+++

Tuesday, 22 July 2014 01:00

Export - Contact

Contact Us - Export


Phone:  (+353) 1 4667937

Tuesday, 22 July 2014 01:00

Contact Us - Exports

If you have any queries or would like additional information on our Bimectin line of products or services, please get in touch using the below form. We will contact you as soon as possible. Please fill in all required fields*.

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Bimeda Vet Dr. Carlos Santiago Valencia

  • Carlos Santiago Valencia Bimeda Vet

    Carlos Santiago Valencia, Gerente Técnico de Bimeda de México y Médico Veterinario Responsable Autorizado ante la SAGARPA. Antes de ingresar a la plantilla de la compañía en el 2013, laboró 2 años en un Laboratorio de Patología Animal en diagnostico coprológico, serológico, hematológico, bacteriológico e inmunofluorescencia (diagnóstico de rabia). Después, fungió por 12 años como Investigador del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias (INIFAP) en el área de Epidemiología, participando en la elaboración y establecimiento de programas de Sanidad Animal así como la inclusión de programas de prevención y control de parásitos internos y externos (garrapatas y moscas), además de hemoparásitos. Posteriormente trabajó durante 14 años en la iniciativa privada en programas de asesoría en manejo y mantenimiento de baños de inmersión en cuarentenarias, baños de línea y baños garrapaticidas de sistemas de producción en el trópico. Impartió cursos a MVZs aprobados en Movilización de Ganado, enfocado a Garrapatas, Garrapaticidas y Resistencia en el Colegio Estatal de Médicos Veterinarios Zootecnistas de Veracruz. También se ha desempeñado en el establecimiento de programas de bioseguridad en establos lecheros en el trópico.