Bimectin is a global brand, delivering effective anti-parasitic treatments for cattle, sheep, pigs and horses around the world. In the UK, farmers, vets and horse owners have placed their trust in the quality Bimectin range for a number of years, and continue to do so. From pour-ons for cattle, to wormers for horses, and injections for cattle, sheep and pigs, you can be sure that the Bimectin range has the product for your needs.
What’s more, we also have excellent advice on best practice and disease control from our technical expert Rachel Mallet, Bimeda Professional Services Vet.
Bimectin® Plus es un potente antihelmíntico aprobado para el tratamiento y control de la Fasciolasis en ganado no lactante. Esta formulado a base de Ivermectina (10 mg por ml) y Clorsulón (100 mg por ml).
Además de ser efectivo en el tratamiento y control de la Fasciolasis, Bimectin® Plus también ha probado ser eficaz contra un amplio rango de parásitos internos y externos del ganado, incluyendo la Tricostrongiliasis, Ostertagiasis, Dictiocaulosis entre otras.
Para mayor información sobre Bimectin® Plus y su uso, haga clic aquí.